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Title VI Program Plan, Public Participation Plan And Limited English Proficiency Plan

Title VI Program Plan, Public Participation Plan And Limited English Proficiency Plan


The Reading Area Transportation Study (RATS) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for all of County and is responsible for regional transportation planning activities. RATS communicates with interested parties to ensure effective and innovative transportation planning that is representative of and responsive to the needs of the entire region. To achieve this goal, RATS provides the public with an active role in the development of transportation plans, programs, and projects, beginning in the early stages of and throughout the planning processes.

The  Title VI Program Plan is required by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to ensure nondiscrimination based on race and/or national Origin.

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) ensures that the public involvement activities of RATS transportation planning processes comply with the proactive public involvement requirements of Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 450.316, also known as the Participation Plan requirements of the federal Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)[Title 23 United States Code, Section 134(i)(5)], and other applicable federal regulations and guidelines on metropolitan transportation planning and programming.

The PPP details strategies and procedures RATS will use to achieve its long-standing commitment to participation in regional transportation planning efforts. The Draft PPP applies to transportation planning activities for which participation by interested parties is a required component, and outlines RATS transportation planning activities that comply with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and other applicable standards for collecting and addressing public comments.

This Public Participation Plan provides a framework to ensure that RATS’ transportation planning process include a proactive participation process and complies with federal participation plan requirements. This PPP identifies current and previous outreach efforts and outlines steps to be taken to improve.  Appendix A of the PPP contains the methods used for outreach in the development of the PPP.

Public Participation Plan - Full Document

Cover Page / Legal Statements / Language Taglines / Table of Contents

Document Text

Appendix A - Public Comment Period Activities



The Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan takes a detailed look at the various languages spoken in Berks County and, specifically, how many individuals of particular language groups do not speak or understand English. This is another step in ensuring complete public involvement in RATS transportation planning programs. Through the four factors outlined in the LEP, RATS then outlines what measures could be taken to ensure that those who have difficulty with the English language can still have meaningful input in the transportation planning process.

 Limited English Proficiency Plan - Full Document

Cover Page / Legal Statements / Language Taglines

Document Text

Appendix A - Language Data (County and Municipal)

Appendix B - Public Comment Period Activities


Documents will be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested.  Persons requiring additional accommodations or those with questions should call 610-478-6300.

 Estos informes y/o documentos estarán disponibles en diversos lenguajes y formatos si es necesario. Personas que necesiten acomodo razonable o con preguntas pueden comunicarse al 610-478-6300.