Uniform Construction Code
Uniform Construction Code
The County established a Countywide Board of Appeals for the Uniform Construction Code in 2007. This code is Part of Act 45, which was passed in 1999. As set forth within Act 45, every municipality that adopts the Uniform Construction Code must have an Appeals Board to handle appeals to the Code. Due to the difficulty of staffing such a board in some municipalities, it was suggested to take a regional approach to this requirement. To date, many municipalities within the County have expressed interest in being a part of this Board. This is an opportunity for a municipality to be served by the Countywide Board.
Below are documents available for download to assist municipalities.
If you have any questions, contact Mr. Jamie Passon in our office at (610) 478-6300.
Related Documents
- March 22, 2023 Meeting Agenda
- Agenda_02 08 2024 Meeting
- Application-for-Appeal-Hearing-(final)
- Berks UCC Public Meeting Notice_02-08-2024
- participating-municipalities-October-2021
- Rules-and-Procedures-(final)-without-header
- UCCAppealsBoardSampleOrdinance
- UCC-Intergovernmental-Agreement1-(Final)-without-header