Southern Berks Joint Comprehensive Plan
Southern Berks Joint Comprehensive Plan
The Southern Berks Regional Comprehensive Plan includes the following municipalities: Birdsboro Borough, Caernarvon Township, Robeson Township, and Union Township. This plan has been prepared to provide direction and guidance for future growth, development and preservation efforts for this generation as well as the next generation. Through the implementation of this Comprehensive Plan, the Southern Berks Region will continue to be an exceptional place to live and work.
The Plan was adopted by the respective municipal governing bodies in August, 2020. Below are the Plan's parts, all in Adobe .PDF format.
Maps (.PDF)
- 01-Geology-11x17
- 02-Soils-11x17
- 03-Protected-Lands-11x17
- 04-Natural-Resources-11x17
- 05-MS4-Areas-2000-and-2010-11x17
- 06-Community-Facilities-Parks-and-Recreation-11x17
- 07-Public-Utilities-11x17
- 08-Historic-Resources-Birdsboro
- 09-Historic-Resources-Caernarvon
- 10-Historic-Resources-Robeson
- 11-Historic-Resources-Union
- 12-Transportation-Road-Classifications-and-Average-Annual-Daily-Traffic
- 13-Transportation-Closed-and-Posted-Bridges-Pavement-Conditions
- 14-Existing-Land-Use-11x17
- 15-Existing-Land-Use-Birdsboro-8x11
- 16-Existing-Land-Use-Caernarvon-11x17
- 17-Existing-Land-Use-Robeson-11x17
- 18-Existing-Land-Use-Union-11x17
- 19-Future-Land-Use-11x17
- 20-Future-Land-Use-Birdsboro-8x11
- 21-Future-Land-Use-Caernarvon-11x17
- 22-Future-Land-Use-Robeson-11x17
- 23-Future-Land-Use-Union-11x17