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Intake Unit

Intake Unit

A client appearing in our office to file a Complaint for Support must first check in at the Front Desk. An Intake Questionnaire is given to the client for completion. All known information about the non-custodial parent (the person who support is being requested from) is needed on this form. When the Intake Questionnaire has been completed, the client turns the form back in to the Front Desk. An Intake Interviewer then conducts an Intake Interview with the client.

The Intake Interviewer is trained in current child support procedures. The Intake Interviewer reviews the completed questionnaire and enters the information in the Pennsylvania Child Support Enforcement System. When all of the information is reviewed and entered, a Complaint for Support is generated.

The next step in the process is to schedule a support conference in front of an Establishment Conference Officer for all parties to appear at. If there is an address for the non-custodial parent at the time of the interview, this conference is scheduled. The person filing for support receives their notice to appear for the scheduled support conference while at the Intake Interview. The non-custodial parent will receive his/her notices by regular and certified mail. If there is no current address for the non-custodial parent, a conference cannot be scheduled and locate efforts begin.

Please be aware that your Intake Interview will take approximately 1 hour. If you are filing a support action to another state, please allow additional interview time.


At the time of your support conference, the determination of which party will be the plaintiff and which party will be the defendant will be made by the Conference Officer based upon the incomes of the parties, the support guidelines and existing law, and the custodial arrangements at the time of the support conference. If supported by the evidence presented at the conference, the party initially named as the defendant may be deemed to be the plaintiff, even if that party did not file a complaint for support. This does not apply to parties seeking spousal support or alimony pendente lite.